If you’ve stumbled across this site then please feel free to have a look around! It’s still a work in progress rather than a fully-functioning blog, so it may behave erratically… but the archived material is growing (almost) by the day, and it should soon be ready for launch.
Thank you for setting up the website! It promises to be a great resource for non-Russian speaking chess fans. For me, though, it will mean less practice in Russian. Oh well… Dziekuje! Lukasz
Please don’t abandon the Russian on my account! :) And let me know if you see anything else interesting in Polish. There are a few more things to add but for now there’s just http://www.chessintranslation.com/2009/12/nuclear-physics-on-the-side/ on here. I actually had “World” instead of “Russian” in the site description at one point, but decided that might be a little overly ambitious…
many thanks for setting this up
Thanks a lot for all the digging, translating – and sharing!
Your substantial contributions at http://www.chessninja.com/dailydirt/ have highlighted that blog more often than not over the years.